Young Leaders Internship Program

The Young Leaders Internship Program (YLIP) is a 6 week internship program which offers promising youngsters the opportunity to get real life exposure to projects and work environments whilst interning with, and directly reporting to, the leadership at THEV.


Applications are processed and accepted in batches of 4 young leaders at a time. 

Format for Application :

  1. Small note basis current discipline, interests, skills, extracurricular activities, awards/ recognitions/ scholarships (if any), and why you would like to intern at THEV. Marks in Class X / XII / High School / Graduation do not matter, but you are free to include this.


  2. How would you like to contribute as an individual and / or as a team during your internship period, basis your current knowledge, skills, interest etc.

Apply along with your team of peers, by clicking on mail icon below.


Since inception of the Young Leaders Internship Program (YLIP) in May 2020, 24 Young Leader Interns (YLIs) have till date successfully completed the Program and become part of the THEV YLIP Alumni community.

Here’s what some of the Young Leader Interns (YLIs) have to say about the Program.

Official YLIP Partners :